Lighthouse Competition Winners
Dalintober P1 & P 2/1 have been reading "The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch ". They had to make a model lighthouse with items which they had to...

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Spring Clean
Volunteers from SKDT, KYES and MOKRUN got together and made a difference. You can read all about it on the Spring Clean Page
Local People To Clean Up
A group of volunteers from several local organisations are to take part in an important community initiative to Clean Up on Sunday 17th...

Help us improve the Town Centre!
SKDT will work in partnership with Campbeltown Community Orchard & Garden (CCOG), Kintyre Community Education Centre (KCEC) and Kintyre...

Town Centre Regeneration Feasibility Grant Received
SKDT has been awarded £10,000 from the Scottish Government to develop a vision and action plan for the community-led regeneration of...

Saddell Castle Open day
Golden Weekend Open Days and Events being held at Saddell Castle, Kintyre to celebrate The Landmark Trust’s 50th Anniversary on the 16...

THI project 50-52 Main Street
THI Project at 50-52 Main St/2 Cross St With demolition a real possibility, the THI led project has saved the historic façade, avoiding...