Strengthening Communities
In 2013 Scottish Government’s Strengthening Communities Programme identified around 50 community-led organisations which would receive investment of up to £3 million to support the regeneration of areas throughout Scotland.
The funding supports community organisations to increase their capacity in order to make them more sustainable while empowering local people through community ownership.
Initiatives responded to local community needs by assiting with funding to help develop activities such as advocacy projects, community wind farms, environmental action and help with projects which transfer assets into community ownership.
South Kintyre Development Trust received a grant payable over the financial years 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 in connection with the Grantee’s Strengthening Communities Programme action plan.
This funding enabled the trust to employ a Trust Manager to assist SKDT with its objective to become a more resilient and sustainable community anchor organisation.
This funding has now been extended to March 2018.