Powerdown Project
SKDT has identified a range of project outlines that it wishes to see advanced under the Powerdown initiative including:
•A pilot community tidal power generation scheme;
•Providing practical advice and support on energy efficiency and renewable energy to local residents;
•Reduction of food mileage;
•Making local recycling more sustainable in the current economic climate
SKDT were awarded £25,000 in funding from the Climate Challenge Fund to investigate the potential for deploying tidal turbines in the Sound of Sanda. The funding was used to carry out a feasibility study carried out by marine energy developer Aquamarine Power and in 2011 they successfully installed their full-scale ‘Oyster’ wave energy converter at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney. SKDT were assisted in this project by Ocean Flow Energy Ltd who in 2014 successfully installed a tidal energy device in the Sound of Sanda thanks to funding from Scottish Enterprise.
SKDT have also been working on progressing with the recommendations on a recent local food report and hope to progress the project through raising awareness of the many benefits of local food. You can find out more about Campbeltown community garden at: http://www.ccog.org.uk/
SKDT also supported Kintyre Recycling, our local recycling company who employ 10 full time staff and 11 part time staff, to explore the possibility of running their vehicles on biodiesel. You can find out more from: http://kintyrerecycling.com/
SKDT is delighted to be a part of the Community Powerdown project and hope that through it the South Kintyre community can benefit greatly.