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Volunteer Clean Up Transforms Town Centre


A group of volunteers have given their time to conduct a major clean up of Campbeltown Town Centre and esplanade a week before the annual MOKRUN event. 15 people took part, and even thought the weather was poor, they were able to collect 8 bags of rubbish, numerous sandbags and traffic cones, and a fridge and remove it from the landscape.


South Kintyre Development Trust, KYES and members of other local organisations participated in the Clean Up as part of the nationwide Clean Up Scotland campaign, which is run by the independent environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful.


Commenting after the event, which took place on 17th May 2015, Zena Coffield SKDT Trust Manager  said:


“We’re delighted to have been able to make a real difference to the local area.. Not only did it leave us with a great deal of satisfaction that we were able to help our community, but it was great fun! I’d recommend it to anyone.


“What we want to see now is that our town centre stays in the condition in which we left it. Selfish, and thoughtless behavior costs us more than £1 million a week to deal with and we want the small minority who litter and allow their dogs to foul to change their behavior.”


Thanks also to Tescos who provided treats and drinks for the day!


Derek Robertson, Chief Executive of Keep Scotland Beautiful, said:


“SKDT and the volunteers are to be commended for the difference they have made to Campbeltown. They take great pride in their surroundings and people like them are the foundation of our Clean Up Scotland campaign.


“At Keep Scotland Beautiful we want to make Scotland clean, green and more sustainable. SKDT are doing a fantastic job to help us achieve this goal.”

Spring Clean


SKDT will work with partner organisations KYES and Argyll & Bute Council Adult Learning and Youth Services to take part in a local community iniative to Clean Up on Sunday 17th May.


We have organised the litter pick event under the banner of the nationwide Clean Up Scotland campaign, which is run by the independent environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful.


Litter blights our landscape. The impact is not only visual – it reduces pride in our area and studies have shown that messy places can increase fear of crime and affect our health.


It also costs us all a lot of money – the Council has to spend our council tax money cleaning up after irresponsible people, and we’d rather this money went on other services or stayed in our pockets!


We are fortunate in this area that the Streetscene Service maintains the environment for communities and visitors alike. We hope our event will be complimentary to the excellent service they already provide.



Yey-we are done!
KYES supporting us!
Thank's you guys!
Gail & Fiona hard at work!
The sea wall
Johnny looks like he is golfing?
So much to do-so little time!
Some people have no sole!
HOld on to your bags - its windy!
SKDT volunteers-bend those knees!
Litter collection!
Cones & a fridge!
Rubbish collected byt the Semples!
Iain & Allan Semple
An event for all ages!
Some of the helpers!

As part of this iniative SKDT had to undertake a risk assessment of the site to identify potential hazards.

It can be downloaded here for viewing.

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