2016 Kintyre Community Action Plan Review
In 2012 South Kintyre Development Trust published the Community Action Plans which identified the needs and ambitions of each community. They levered support and funding in to our local area to help deliver improvements including Campbeltown Town Hall, Dunaverty Village Hall and the Kintyre Way.
SKDT is reviewing the action plans for Campbeltown, East Kintyre and Southend to ensure that they remain up to date and fit for purpose. We want to identify future projects based on the community’s needs and aspirations. These projects will have a better chance of success if the community shows its support by completing the review which will provide the evidence to back up funding applications.
Each area has developed its own survey which you can access online as follows:
CAMPBELTOWN https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SKDTCAMPBELTOWN
SOUTHEND https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SKDTSOUTHEND
EAST KINTYRE https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SKDTEASTKINTYRE
Please encourage your friends and neighbours to complete this survey. You can pick up printed copies from Campbeltown Town Hall and Muneroy Stores. We are also looking for volunteers to distribute the questionnaire to neighbours. If you are able to help please get in touch.
If you need help completing these forms please email: info@skdt.org. We can also arrange a meeting or telephone call to go through the survey with you. To book an appointment please telephone 01586 552870
If you would like to download a survey you can do it here: CAMPBELTOWN, SOUTHEND, EAST KINTYRE
The closing date for this survey is Friday 25th November 2016
WEST KINTYRE Community Council is issuing its survey by post. If you live in West Kintyre you should receive it in the next 10 days. You can read more about it here http://wkcc.weebly.com or contact: margaretpratt@btinternet.com for further information.
2012 Community Action Plans
In 2012 South Kintyre Development Trust published community action plans for East Kintyre, West Kintyre, Campbeltown and Southend. The purpose of the action plans was to identify the needs and ambitions of each community and to lever support and funding in to our local area to help deliver these improvements. They have already helped to secure funding for many valuable projects, including Campbeltown Town Hall, Dunaverty Village Hall, and The Kintyre Way.
These action plans describe each of the areas in detail, state the vision for the future of the communities, and the actions that they want to take to improve their communities.
In total 2132 households received a householder survey with 975 completed surveys being returned giving a 45% overall return rate.
SKDT is planning to review the action plans to ensure that they remain up to date and fit for purpose. By updating them, we can tick off completed projects and add new priorities and projects we would like to tackle in the future. This will give these projects the best chance of success because funders see community action plans as evidence of strong community support for projects and often ask for this sort of evidence to back up funding applications.
We are planning a series of public meetings at local venues around Kintyre which everyone will be invited to attend and contribute to.
Each areas community action plans are detailed below. Click on each picture to take you to the plans. You can also borrow a printed copy from the Trust’s office in the Town Hall, Campbeltown (tel. 01586 552870 or e-mail info@skdt.org).
Thanks to Ann Boulton, Peter McArthur, Sarah Mackinnon, Malcolm McMillan, the Campbeltown THI Project, Cathy Forbes, Eric Dudley, Rachael Grant, Alan Milstead, Shelagh Cameron, the pupils of Carradale Primary School, Lynn Galbraith, Deirdre Henderson and Peter McArthur for providing the images and photographs.