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Help us improve the Town Centre!

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SKDT will work in partnership with Campbeltown Community Orchard & Garden (CCOG), Kintyre Community Education Centre (KCEC) and Kintyre Youth Enquiry Service (KYES) to provide support to local people who want to make a difference to the place they live, work or spend their leisure time. We have a common vision to create a vibrant town centre and protect it for future generations.

We want people who already live here to stay and we want to encourage more to come. We value and enjoy our built and natural environment and hope this project will have a positive effect on the local economy and create a vibrant and sustainable future for everyone.

As part of this project SKDT have registered for ” It’s Your Neighbourhood” campaign which is part of the wider RHS Britain in Bloom campaign. It’s a non-competitive scheme for volunteer-led community gardening groups focused on cleaning and greening up their local area.

No specific skills are required - we will need help with lots of different tasks from fund raising to photography.

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South Kintyre Development Trust working WITH the Community FOR the Community.

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