Community Landscape Projects
Preserving our past, embracing the present and protecting our future!
One of SKDT's objectives is:
To advance environmental protection or improvement including preservation, sustainable development and conservation of the natural environment, the maintenance, improvement or provision of environmental amenities for the Community.
To achieve this we look at various Landscape projects. Click on the buttons below to take to each page.
In July 2015 SKDT were awarded Argyll and Bute Council stalled spaces grant of £2,500 to improve the vacant lot in front of Park Terrace and next to the Guide Hall on McCallum Street in Campbeltown.
In February 2016 SKDT was selected to receive one of three awards in the Tesco Bags of Help Inititative. On 16th march secured 2nd place giving us an award of £10,000.
To date the Campbeltown Gateway Garden has been our largest community landscape project.
How can you get involved
Get in touch – it’s easy!
Our office is currently at the Town Hall, 54 Main Street, Campbeltown, PA28 6AB Tel: 01586 552870
Email: info@skdt.org, Website: www.skdt.org, Facebook: www.facebook.com/SKDT.org
We see community regeneration as more than an economic measure and will continue to work to create opportunities for people to gain skills, experience and employment that lead to increased self-confidence and an optimistic attitude that is contagious within the community, contributing to a vibrant, sustainable future.