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Floral planters

In 2016 we distributed floral planters around Campbeltown town centre.

Whisky barrels were been kindly donated by Glen Scotia Distillery.


They were halved and filled with soil by the Community Payback Team who placed them on locations mapped out by SKDT with permission of Argyll and Bute Council.

It took quite a bit of planning so we must thanks Argyll & Bute Council who helped us with advice and support. They also provided us with a Third Sector grant to buy the soil, plants and work with volunteers to make it all happen.

Volunteers from SKDT, Adult Learning and Zero Waste Heros South Kintyre planted up the barrels when they were in place turning them into a floral feast for shoppers and visitors.

This year we placed 2 at the Town Hall and the rest can be seen at the new Campbeltown Gateway Park.

These displays belong to THIS community and we hope to expand the project each year so please get in touch if you think you can help. Email, Telephone 01586 552870 or pop into Campbeltown Town Hall.

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