Visit Campbeltown & South Kintyre - It's Wile an' Good - Calendar published!
The finalists for our photograph competition have been selected and the Calendar has been published. The price is £7.95 and you can buy...

Community Renewables in Action!
Our community renewables project stepped up a gear last month when we held a start-up meeting with renewable energy consultant, Malcolm...

Argyll Buildbase Donation
SKDT have recently engaged a temporary Town Centre Handyman with the assistance of the Employability Team (Ann Gallacher). We have lots...

Take part in our Calendar Competition
Tell us why you think Campbeltown is "Wile an Good" using pictures! 5 Entries per person. Closing Date 6th November. See Competion Rules...

Welcome to new Staff
SKDT is delighted to welcome 2 new members of staff. We look forward to embracing their skills and wish them both a happy and successful...

A fortuitous visit and impeccable timing has led to a funding boost for the renovation of the Town Hall clock. Matt Ingle, Chief...

Farewell to Will
Staff and volunteers were sad to say goodbye to Will Anderson last month who has resigned as a Director after a period of 2 Years on the...

Doors Open Day Brochure
South Kintyre Development Trust is delighted to have brought Doors Open Day back to Argyll after an absence of several years. As this is...

Stalled Spaces Workshop
After a quick cuppa and a piece of shortbread, the participants were all eager to describe the projects they are involved with and share...