SKDT is coordinating 2016 Argyll & Bute Doors Open Day on 24th and 25th September 2016 with the support of Argyll and Bute Council to increase the number of venues available to visit across Argyll and Bute.
Doors Open Day takes place throughout Scotland and is part of European Heritage Days, giving free access to places that are normally closed to the public. Some open up once a year, some just once in a lifetime.
Last year's programme, after an absence of several years, was extremely successful with national press coverage and over 400 visitors to 14 venues. We hope that our 2016 event will entice visitors to explore the peninsula, stopping off at other places of interest along the way. This year's theme is Innovation, Architecture and Design and features many new venues including buildings by architect Henry Edward Clifford, castles, a gaol and superb garden filled with sculptures and analemma.
This may be a once in a lifetime opportunity for some and should not be missed!
The list of venues is as follows:
Campbeltown Town Hall
The Club, Main St Campbeltown
Glen Scotia Distillery
St Kiaran’s Scottish Episcopal Church
Campbeltown Backpackers
Springbank Distillery-note open SUNDAY only(not both days as advertised)
Campbeltown Community Orchard & Garden
Old Gaol and Police Station
An Ceardach Garden, Peninver
Torrisdale Castle
Dunaverty Hall and Post Office
Royal Castle of Tarbert
Argyll Archives
Inveraray Bell Tower
Nichol Hall
Lodge Rothesay St. John No. 292
United Church of Bute
Further details, opening hours and booking requirements (advance booking required for some venues) are available on the Doors Open Day website www.doorsopendays.org.uk and on SKDT’s website www.skdt.org.
You can view the brochure here: Doors Open Day 2016
About Doors Open Days www.doorsopendays.org.uk
Doors Open Days is Scotland’s largest free annual architectural event. It is coordinated nationally by the Scottish Civic Trust and is part of European Heritage Days alongside Scottish Archaeology Month, coordinated by Archaeology Scotland. Both are supported by Historic Scotland.
SKDT hopes that you will help us to build connections between people and places, and provide a platform for people to share their love of buildings, history, region or subject with the public, whether local or visiting.Some information is provided below or you can find a full list of resources at: www.doorsopendays.org.uk/opendays/resources.aspx to help you plan a successful day.
What are the aims of Doors Open Days?
The event aims to get the public interested in and excited by the built environment which will result in a lifetime enthusiasm. In Kintyre we also think it will be a great way to help visitors explore more of our beautiful area and for local people to find out about hidden gems on their doorstep.
What are the conditions for taking part in Doors Open Days?
1. Access to your event or building must be free during Doors Open Days weekends.
There are no exceptions to this, although you can give visitors the opportunity to leave donations.
2. Your building has architectural interest, historic importance, or significant cultural connections
3. The building is normally closed to the public OR; the part of the building you are opening during Doors Open Days is normally closed to the public OR; the building or attraction is normally open to the public, but you are putting on a special event or activity.
4. You have agreed your participation with your local area coordinator.
Why take part in Doors Open Days?
Buildings and event organisers will have many different reasons for taking part. Do you want to ‘reach out’ to the local community? Publicise a project? Increase membership of your organisation? Do you want to celebrate a special anniversary or fulfil a condition of grant? Perhaps you just think it is the right thing to do because you own a great building and you think the public should have access to it.
Whatever your reasons, it is good to think about them from the start, so you can plan around them. For example, is there information about joining your organisation? Do you want to put up a display?
What help is available for building owners planning an event?
Our role as coordinator is to assist you with planning, organising and publicising your event. You may be happy to do it on your own but we will support you in any way we can.
You can view last year's brochure here: Doors Open Day 2015