Aqualibrium Bistro
In January 2015 SKDT began researching the possibility of leasing the Aqualibrium Bistro “Mussel Ebb” which has been closed to the public since 2013.
The Bistro occupies an area on the second floor of the Aqualibrium Leisure Complex, Kinloch Green, Campbeltown which extends to 264 square metres with spectator views of the swimming pool. It provides seating for 80 and is owned by Argyll and Bute Council.
This was the third time the lease had been advertised but had been unsuccessful in attracting a tenant. As the timescale was very limited SKDT were granted an additional 3 months extension to research the possibilities and build an outline business plan. Our aim was to open the facility as a social enterprise and provide a service to the community that had been missed by many.
Due to time constrictions we were unable to attract the necessary funding. This was essential as SKDT currently do not have the capital or manpower to devote to this massive undertaking.
In April 2015 SKDT made the difficult decision not to pursue this enterprise and passed our research to another organisation who is investigating the feasibility of running hospitality training courses from the premises.