The Old Post Office
The Old Post Office is a 2-storey, 5-bay tenement building which is prominent within the Town Centre. This category C listed former post Office is an important survivor of the type of building that used to line Main Street. Built in the early 19th century it lay empty for around 30 years to be re-opened in 1988-89 as a temporary courthouse. It closed soon after and has been deteriorating through lack of maintenance .It remains on the Buildings at Risk register for Scotland.
A recent Community Action Plan Review carried out by SKDT highlighted public demand to revitalise this building and find a new use which benefits the community.
The building has been targeted by various organisations throughout the years with no outcome and continues to deteriorate. The poor condition of the building and access difficulties are threatening its future use.
SKDT commissioned a 1st Stage Options Appraisal of the building to look at possible end uses which would address community needs.
This analysis indicated that there were too many risks attached. The owner was unwilling to sell, the renovation costs were significant and therefor the rental costs would be outwith the reach of any potential tenants - particularly those providing social benefits to the community.
Through this appraisal other potential buildings were identified for future investigation and SKDT decided instead to pursue the purchase of the SSE Hydro Electric Building in Burnside Street. You can read more about it here.

Grant Funding received
SKDT is delighted to announce the receipt of a Project Viability Grant in their mission to redevelop the Old Post Office Building in Main Street, Campbeltown.
The grant from the Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) which has been match funded by Argyll and Bute Council CARS scheme, will enable SKDT to work with consultants to look at options to utilise the building.
The AHF is a registered charity, working since 1976 to promote the conservation and sustainable re-use of historic buildings for the benefit of communities across the UK.
This is the first step in SKDT’s vision to find a viable end use for this building. We will explore various avenues to find a solution which will make it sustainable in the long term for the benefit of the community. We hope to complete this phase by the end of March 2017