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Doors Open Day Brochure

South Kintyre Development Trust is delighted to have brought Doors Open Day back to Argyll after an absence of several years. As this is the first time we have co-ordinated the event, our programme has a distinct Kintyre flavour. We hope it will entice visitors to explore the peninsula, stopping off at other places of interest along the way.

We are also delighted to have attracted interest from further north where visitors will find more interesting venues to enjoy in Inveraray and Rosneath. These include the enchanting Retreat garden and artist’s studio in Kilcreggan and the Duke of Argyll’s archive at Inveraray Castle, where visitors have a rare opportunity to see treasures from one of Scotland’s most important private archives. Inveraray Parish Church and Inveraray Bell Tower will also be giving special guided tours and visitors to the Bell Tower will be treated to magnificent views of the town from its viewing platform. There will also be an opportunity to find out about Inveraray’s Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) at a drop-in event in the Nicol Hall, Church Square.

There are lots more exciting highlights in this year’s programme which would not have been possible without the support of so many participants who were willing to open their doors and give up their time for free. Let’s hope we can make this an annual event which will grow each year, benefitting the local community and drawing others to the area. You can view the brochure here:

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