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Stalled Spaces Workshop

After a quick cuppa and a piece of shortbread, the participants were all eager to describe the projects they are involved with and share their ideas.

We were introduced to Digital Storytelling by Jennifer Jones, UWS phd student and project coordinator for the Digital Commonwealth Project Team . The aim of the project is to enhance the capacity of individuals and groups to use freely available mobile digital (and social) media tools and techniques.

Marlyn Turbitt from Lorn organic Growers gave an informative (and emotive) talk around the highs and lows of taking over an ex-commercial nursery and turning it into an organic community growing project.

The clement weather made for an enjoyable guided tour provided by Manager by Peter Creech of Blarbuie Woodland. This attractive trail is currently under restoration and provides a sacturary to both the Lochgilphead Hospitals and the wider public as a place to “relax, regenerate, learn and improve fitness.

On our return we Split into groups of 2 we are encouraged to create a short video using mobile/tablet. We were then able to share and comment on each other’s work.

Mine was last –thank goodness…. 37 seconds into the interview and my mind went blank - why do I get so nervous in front of a camera? (And can you spot Lesly from Architecture & Design Scotland holding the Stalled Spaces signage- perhaps she is also camera shy?)

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