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The Road to Drumleman Community Exhibition and archive project

Our arts and heritage project has been progressing well since it started in October 16. We have held 3 drop-in sessions at Campbeltown Library to gather images and stories for the exhibition in April 2017 and for the archive blog. The sessions have been well attended and generated lots of new stories and unearthed photos and memorabilia. There will be a further opportunity for people to drop in to the library on Wednesday 22nd Feb.

The project delivered creative workshops in two local primary schools, Drumlemble (pictured) and Dalintober, and 3rd year art pupils at Campbeltown Grammar re-created a trade union banner for Argyll Colliery. Three former employees from Argyll Colliery started our schools sessions off with a talk about their experiences working at the Machrihanish mine.

The blog now has 44 posts, has many more in the pipeline and has almost 5,000 visitors and has been viewed in 38 countries!

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