The Community Have Decided!
Since the Town Hall has been restored, and the scaffolding removed there has been a question on everyone's lips. "Is the taxi rank moving back to the Town Hall rank or is it staying in it's current position at the Factory Shop Rank"?

Argyll and Bute Council developed a consultation exercise which detailed parking proposals for Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay. Information about this exercise is now public and the full document can be seen here TRAFFIC REVIEW AND PARKING MANAGEMENT UPDATE
The recommendations of the Chief Executive could not be clearer.
5.11 Taxi Ranks, Campbeltown
The proposals for the location of the taxi ranks generated the highest levels of response within the public consultation, with a total of 72 submissions being received. 30 out of 37 responses were in favour of locating the permanent taxi rank at the Factory shop, Main Street.
Conversely, 27 of the 35 responses received concerning the retention of taxi bays at the Town Hall were against this proposal. The option to remove the taxi rank from the town hall and to relocate this permanently adjacent to the Factory Shop, Main Street was clearly the preferred option. In further support of this, the local police have intimated that they may have issue regarding the retention of taxi bays at the Town Hall, with particular regard to weekends and the control of for anti-social behaviour.