SKDT receive "Stalled Spaces Funding"
SKDT have been awarded £2,500 “stalled spaces” grant by Argyll and Bute Council.
This innovative project seeks to empower communities and help them reconnect with their own particular area, building relationships with both the renovated community space and with neighbours and colleagues.
The Campbeltown project, run by the South Kintyre Development Trust with partners Campbeltown Community Orchard & Garden (CCOG) and Argyll and Bute Council Adult Learning and Youth Services, KYES and Argyll College UHI,

will decorate the gateway into the town using plants and landscaping along a marine and fishery theme.
An SKDT spokeswoman said “ We want to set a standard that shows the wider community that the visible appearance of the area is achievable by enhancing local unused spaces through flowering displays and landscaping which will increase local pride.”